About This Blog

PLEASE NOTE: Because this is a horror blog, the reviews will cover disturbing/scary material for entertainment purposes. Expect to see creepy and upsetting things in the reviews and illustrations including, but not limited to, swearingbloodgoreviolenceskeletons and corpsesdemonsghostsimages and/or mentions of deceased peoplethe supernatural, and "creepy" animals such as spiders and snakes. All of these things are likely to appear without a content warning as they are all common horror staples. While I try to keep my language clean in the reviews for kid's books, there will probably be swearing in the Y/A and Adult reviews. If any of these things disturb, offend, or trigger you, please, DO NOT read this blog for your own well being. By reading the blog, it's assumed that you are willing to be frightened and disturbed for your own entertainment. 

So what is this blog about? Well, two things, horror fiction and diversity.

I’m a big horror fan. I grew up on Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. In college I would rent and watch every frightening film I could get my hands on, from classics like The Exorcist and Psycho, to the bargain bin DVDs you find at the drug store. I couldn’t get enough. I’d listen to creepy podcasts on my way to work and look up ghost stories on my phone during lunch. I love spooky stories of all kinds.

But, I’d love it a lot more if there were more characters like me. Not just a token minority who gets killed off in the second act, or a side character with two lines. I want a main character I can identify with, someone who's biracial, queer, non-binary, or has a mental illness. A character who isn’t a monster, a token, or a sex fantasy for a straight male lead. I want to see someone like me to fight monsters and not get killed off the in the first act. I want to hear from the voices that are so often ignored, people of color, Natives, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities. I want to learn about folks with different backgrounds and life experiences from my own. Mostly, I want something different in my horror fiction!

In 2014, inspired by the We Need Diverse Books campaign, I set out to find more horror fiction with diverse characters, and I’ve created this website to share my discoveries here with you, the good, the bad, and the truly terrifying.

ALT Text

I try to put alt text on all images (I'm an artist, there are a lot of images) to make the blog more accessible for people who use screen readers. Unfortunately, blogger seems to have a character limit for alt text, so I have to keep the image descriptions short and sweet. Sorry about that. Full disclosure, I don't know that much about screen readers, and I'm kind of figuring it out as a go, so feedback is appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Delighted to connect! Such great content & looking forward to your posts.
